अनुशासन श्रम आत्मबल

The school was rated in the top 10 schools of Delhi and amongst the top 50 schools in NCR. The School ranks fifth in academics in the entire country based on the survey conducted by Edu world (A Leading Magazine in the field of Education)

Art Galore

artArt promotes activity in the brain. It keeps children understand other subjects more clearly. Art nurtures inventiveness as it engages children in a process that aids in the development of self esteem, self discipline, cooperation and self motivation. N.K. Bagrodia Public School, Rohini helps children to gain the tools necessary for understanding human experiences, developing creative problem solving skills and communicating thoughts and ideas in a variety of ways. The students are engrossed in various activities related to art & craft like paper bags, jute bags, pen holder, glass painting etc. Music and dance channelizes ones creative energy leading to the blossoming of their personalities.